One of the most controversial and emotionally charged subjects of daily life between two people are the expected responsibilities within the household. Often delegation of responsibilities evolves, sometimes equitably. However, more often that not one of the partners takes on the larger load. These days it gets harder and harder to split these "chores" evenly. How do two people living under the same roof decide who will do what? How do two people with different levels of what they will and won't tolerate find common ground? How do you make changes after 7 years together? You would think after 7 years of marriage we would have this figured out but... we don't.
Responsibility goes further than just the household chores. I think as a partner you have responsibilities to the relationship - letting someone know if you are running late, telling the other person when you have something going on, making sure the other person is aware of your feelings, etc.
With all the different responsibilities in our life, how do we keep it all together?